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Designate and Manage Users

The system administrator sets up users and access rights ensuring that sensitive or critical data is protected and properly managed.

Trigger and Record Alarm Conditions

Alarms triggered by the E Sentry Connect App are immediately transmitted to the system administrators and designated users to ensure that resources are immediately assigned to bring the asset back online as quickly as possible.

Review & Analyze Temperature Trends

All Historical Data from the inspections recorded to the E Sentry Connect Tag are uploaded to the cloud and plotted in trend graphs for future reference. This data can be used by administrators to manage and even predict when assets may require maintenance or to deploy temperature monitoring systems.

Build and Assign Inspection Routes

Assign your employees custom routes while selecting from your entire asset database sorted by location, alarm state and more.

Automatic Data Caching

Functions in areas without internet connection by uploading to the cloud the next time the device obtains internet access.

Send and Receive Notifications

Easy communications between the system administrators and inspection staff allows for fast and automatic notifications of required inspections and completed tasks.